About Us

Started with Zero Subscriber Count on Youtube & have reached a Milestone of 250K+ Family of Young Minds.

We're a Government of India Recognized MSME as Chartered Studies & CHARTERED STUDIES ACADEMYOM SANJAY CHATURVEDI

Mr. Bhartendu Prakash - Founder & CEO
Mr. Om Chaturvedi - Co Founder & CFO

Our Story

From a Youtube Channel to a Helping Hand for Students, we have walked long way towards service to the students & now we're aiming to solve more problems of Students to make thier life Easier & help them devote more time towards thier gals rather than these problems.

We’re aspiring to build a system, a community which will be a Revolution in the Education Industry & specifically in the CA/CS/CMA Students domain. We’re working to build a Multi-Problem Solution System for our Beloved Community of Students, which will be solving the problems of Student from Exams to Mocks, From Test Series to Registrations, From Articleship, Internship to Job Opportunities, From Skills to Entrepreneurship abilities. We’re Aiming for the Moon, maybe we get around the stars someday !!

Meet Our Visionary Team

Alone we can do so Little, Together we can do so much.

Mr. Bhartendu Prakash

Founder & CEO

The Man who gave Birth to the Idea of “Chartered Studies” with the purest intention to help students. A Passionate Man on a Mission !

Mr. Om Chaturvedi

Co-Founder & CFO

The Man behind the overall advancements of Chartered Studies. The Think Tank  of Chartered Studies & its Expansion.

Number Speaks



2 Crore+

Views on Youtube




Awards / Recognitions